Friday, February 19, 2010


You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on a life. ~ Zig Ziglar

What a TRUE statement. This is your monthly Random Act of Kindness prompt. Today your prompt is to uplift, encourage and edify someone with a few sincere words. You have no idea of the impact this can have on their day. Words have the power . Use your wisely. Write in your journal about how this made you feel and how the other person responded.

For those of you that have shared with me that they do not like the random act of kindness prompts or the count your blessing prompt that we do one day of each month I suggest that you use those days to write whatever you wish in your journal. However, I must tell you that two of the surest ways to experience true happiness is to get out of yourself and do something for someone else and to recognize and focus on the blessings in your life. This is the reason I have incorporated these two prompts once a month.

Have an OUTSTANDING day!

Sending Love,


  1. seriously, folks expressed dislike of being involved in random acts of kindness or count your blessings prompts... what a miserable perspective to be "all about me me me!" i for one embrace evalgelism thru edification & exhortation AND appreciate these affirmation prompts...thank you much susan! ;)

  2. How about common courtesy? To hold the door for someone, say Thank You, make someone's favorite meal, give a co worker a break, hug your child...these are all acts of kindness that turn into blessings.
