Friday, June 25, 2010

IF and Guest Art Jouranl Designer Call

Our journal prompt today is the sentence. If I knew then what I know now. Free Journal (writing without thinking about what you are going to say but instead concentrating on how you are really feeling).

Our Art Journal Prompt is IF ONLY

So the word IF is a big part of both prompts today!

Your Life Spelled Out is hosting a Guest Art Journal Artist Call.
Just link your art to a comment here.

I will announce the winner next Friday. It is a one month position for the month of July! You will be responsible for the July prompts and for spreading the word through your blog and other groups you belong to. We have a flickr group set up but I have decided to add a Mr. linky for all my artist and we will have a prize each week. I have several sponsors lined up already!

So Send Me (Link me) to Your Art.

Have a Fantastic Friday!

Sending Love,


  1. wow! I can't wait to see everyone's responses. lol, you won't get an entry from me though. I never really like my art journal results... it must be because I am a perfectionist or lame... one of the two. lol

  2. Oh I'd say 'SuperGirl' is my favorite so far...
