Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Firm Resolve

Resolutions are something many of us think about when the new year rolls around.
Many of us make a list of resolutions for the year only to be disappointed with ourselves by the end of January for no "sticking to them". Let's end that madness right now.

Today we will resolve three things that we want to change in our lives. Just three. We will be both realistic and clear.


An example of a realistic resolution is : This year I will lose a total of 53 pounds. I will do that by eating a healthy balanced meals and by finding an exercise program or physical activity that works for me and I will stick to it.

An example of an unrealistic resolution is: I will lose 53 pounds by March.

Did you notice how the unrealistic resolution is not only unrealistic but also vague? HOW does she plan on losing 53 pounds by March? She has absolutely no plan.


An example of a clear resolution is: In 2011 I resolve to will finish the book I am
writing by committing schedule and hour each morning to write and work on the process of getting the book published.

And example of an unclear or vague resolution is : I am going to finish that book I have been working on this year.


Another key ingredient in following through on resolutions is to share that resolution with someone. Someone that will ask you how you are doing and hold you accountable.

You don't have anyone you trust that much?
You can always use me as your accountability partner.
If you don't feel comfortable posting on line you can reach me at

So are you ready to tackle this?

Write them down.

I will share my three with you on the 2nd before posting the next prompt as I would NEVER ask you to do something that I am not willing to do myself.



  1. Reolutions:

    1)Lose 45 lbs. by the end of the year. Eat less junk & step up my work-outs. Also---seeing specialist for possible health reason in the next week.

    2)Take better care of my home. Clearing out, organizing, cleaning weekly.

    3)Letting myself be ME! Being softer to myself!

    Thanks,Susan! Love you lots!

  2. I am so excited to start this year and journey. I have resolutions but no plan of action yet. That will be my task today.

  3. i am still developing by my yearly word resolution from 2007, trust & obey, James 1:22, and from 2010, equipped, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 AND now, for 2011, i am adding to be resolved to discovering the mystery revealed by being rooted & grounded in the love of God, Ephesians plan of action is prayer, meditation & application of each rhema revelation...i aim for living this earthly life with ease within, which includes living in might, peace & harmony. ;)
