Friday, May 14, 2010


Today we will have a random experiment and then we will journal about it. Today smile at everyone you come in contact with (even if you do not "feel" like smiling). Watch their reaction and then write about it. When I did this I was surprised at the reaction and also surprised by what a difference it made in the way I felt and in my day. I did it on a day when I didn't feel like smiling or talking to anybody!


Our art journal prompt this week is LEFT OUT

If you are art journaling and would like to share your art please join our Flickr group. Just email me @ and ask for an invitation.

Have a fantastic Friday!

Sending Love,

1 comment:

  1. YYAAAAA...i love love love experiments, i do them all the time! they turn out to be excellent prompts... thank you much ;)
