Thursday, May 13, 2010

Are You Missing Today?

Are you really living life to the fullest today or are you too busy regretting things from the past or worrying about tomorrow?

Our prompt today is to really think about what we are letting steal our lives from us. Resentment, Regret, Worry, Anxiety, What Ifs are just a few examples of things that can keep you from savoring the moment. Ponder this question and write down what is stealing from you. This is a first step in controlling your thought and not letting them control your life.

Have a Peace Filled Day!

Sending Love,

1 comment:

  1. My older daughter decided to drop College and moved in with her boyfriend last month.
    We have talked only about things we need to talk about. She did not called on Mothers Day and have not visited us since then.

    Even that i have accepted the fact that it was her decision, I am mad at her and have not called her to just chat or to say hi or I love you!
    This and yesterday's prompts had made me re-think about it and I will give her a call to say hi and how much I love and care for her.

    It is hard for me to take this step and have not thought about it before, but now I realize that we can not waste our time to show how much we love our lovesones.

    Thanks for helping me to realize this, which will help me to cope with this awful situation.
    Sincerely, Luisa!
