Saturday, July 31, 2010
Define this!
Unconditional Love
Have a wonderful day!!
Sending Love,
Friday, July 30, 2010
Art Journal Prompt fpr this week!
Silver Sixpence in her Shoe.
Ahhh… Money & Luck… do you have them: Together? Separately? Not at all? Or perhaps have a technique that you feels gives you luck? What is the Sixpence in YOUR shoe?
Be sure to visit Sarah's blog at
THANK YOU Sarah. We have enjoyed our inspiration during the month of July.
Let's Pretend
Have a Happy Day!
Sending Love,
Thursday, July 29, 2010
And First Place Goes To....
If that is a hard question to answer look at where or with who you spend the most amount of your time, what and who you spend your money on,what or who you think about most of the time. We can say our priorities are aligned but it is in our actions that the real story is revealed.
This is often tough for me to look at but I try to ask myself this question at least four times a year to make sure I get back on the right track if I have slipped off.
Have a fantastic day!
Sending Love,
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A Grateful Heart!
For those of you that are new, we have a day each month where we write 10 things in our journal that we are grateful for and why you are grateful if you wish. Then at the end of 2010 you will be able to look at 120 things that you are grateful for or that you consider blessings in your life. What a great way that will be to start 2011.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Sending Love,
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I had the honor of attending the Miss Wheelchair USA this past Saturday night. My husband was one of the judges. One of the contestants platform was on discrimination. Her parting words were "Disability does not discriminate against people, so don't discriminate against people with disability".
Have a terrific Tuesday!
Sending Love,
July 26th I wish
I wish I might
Have the wish
I wish tonight
What is it?
Write ti in your journal.
Have a fun Monday!
Sending Love,
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Open or Folded Arms?
Now look at the way you connect with people. Would they say you have open, welcoming arms or folded, closed arms? Why do you think that is?
Have a lovely Sunday!
Sending Love,
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Define Success
Have a beautiful Saturday!
Sending Love,
Friday, July 23, 2010
Art Journal Prompt!
Something Blue…
Art Journal what ‘Blue’ brings to mind for you… an emotion, a favorite object, the *sky* is the limit! What does ‘Blue’ mean to you?
Making a Difference and the WINNER of the giftcard
WINNER of the gift card is scrapwordsmom. Please email me at with your name and address and the card that you want and I will send it out to you Monday.
Have a wonderful day!
Sending Love,
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Fly Me To The Moon
Reminder..I will pick at random the winner of the gift card on Friday so this is the last day to post for your chance to win!
Have a happy day!
Sending Love,
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
So your prompt today is to write this in your journal and write what kind of emotions you were feeling when you read it the first time. Are you cheating the girl in the glass?
The original poem was called man in the glass..I changed it around just a bit.
Don't forget about the give away on Friday. All you need to do is post a comment to qualify. Have a blessed day.
Sending Love,
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The sunny side of life!
If the day was not so good don't forget you can start it over any time you wish.
You can change the day you have by the way you think.
Have a great day/night.
Sending Love,
Monday, July 19, 2010
Write down any thoughts that were stirred by this statement in your journal.
We have reached 327 so you know what that means.I committed to a give away every time we grew by 25 so it is time for another give away. The give away this time is a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble, Archivers, JoAnn Fabrics or Starbucks (your choice)! How do you become eligible?? All you need to do is post a comment here (starting today) or recommend this blog to someone and have them mention that you sent them here when they post a comment. How easy is that? Yes you may post daily and be eligible for as many times as you post or as many times as someone says you recommend them.Our winner will be randomly chosen on Friday, July 23rd.
Have a day filled with positive thinking!!
Sending Love,
Sunday, July 18, 2010
If you could ask just one question...
Free form writing is simply putting you pen to paper and writing from the heart without worries about who might see it, how it sounds etc.
We have reached 327 so you know what that means.I committed to a give away every time we grew by 25 so it is time for another give away. The give away this time is a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble, Archivers, JoAnn Fabrics or Starbucks (your choice)! How do you become eligible?? All you need to do is post a comment here (starting today) or recommend this blog to someone and have them mention that you sent them here when they post a comment. How easy is that? Yes you may post daily and be eligible for as many times as you post or as many times as someone says you recommend them.Our winner will be randomly chosen on Friday, July 23rd.
Have a LOVELY Sunday!!
Sending Love,
The Best Thing...
We have reached 327 so you know what that means.I committed to a give away every time we grew by 25 so it is time for another give away. The give away this time is a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble, Archivers, JoAnn Fabrics or Starbucks (your choice)! How do you become eligible?? All you need to do is post a comment here (starting today) or recommend this blog to someone and have them mention that you sent them here when they post a comment. How easy is that? Yes you may post daily and be eligible for as many times as you post or as many times as someone says you recommend them.Our winner will be randomly chosen on Friday, July 23rd.
Have a wonderful Saturday!
Sending Love,
Friday, July 16, 2010
Priorities Part 2
Our guest designer this month will soon be getting married. Here is our own Sarah Elliotts prompt for this week.
Something Borrowed…
We all do it… we ‘Borrow’ a phrase, an Art Technique, an opinion... and make it ours. What have you ‘Borrowed’?
Learn more about Sarah by visiting her blog
ANNOUNCEMENTWe have reached 327 so you know what that means.I committed to a give away every time we grew by 25 so it is time for another give away. The give away this time is a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble, Archivers, JoAnn Fabrics or Starbucks (your choice)! How do you become eligible?? All you need to do is post a comment here (starting today) or recommend this blog to someone and have them mention that you sent them here when they post a comment. How easy is that? Yes you may post daily and be eligible for as many times as you post or as many times as someone says you recommend them.Our winner will be randomly chosen on Friday, July 23rd.
Have a wonderful Friday!
Sending Love,
Thursday, July 15, 2010
What's So Important?
It is important to define your priorities so that you can stay true to them. We will talk more about that on Friday.
We have reached 327 so you know what that means.I committed to a give away every time we grew by 25 so it is time for another give away. The give away this time is a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble, Archivers, JoAnn Fabrics or Starbucks (your choice)! How do you become eligible?? All you need to do is post a comment here (starting today) or recommend this blog to someone and have them mention that you sent them here when they post a comment. How easy is that? Yes you may post daily and be eligible for as many times as you post or as many times as someone says you recommend them.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Did you think I forgot?
Your prompt tonight is to write about your favorite television show or movie.Why is it your favorite?
See you Thursday!
Sending Love,
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
At The End Of The Day
GOOD NEWS..we wake up each morning with a new day. If we get into the habit honestly looking at ourselves on a regular basis it will change your life...PROMISE!
We have reached 327 so you know what that means.I committed to a give away every time we grew by 25 so it is time for another give away. The give away this time is a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble, Archivers, JoAnn Fabrics or Starbucks (your choice)! How do you become eligible?? All you need to do is post a comment here (starting today) or recommend this blog to someone and have them mention that you sent them here when they post a comment. How easy is that? Yes you may post daily and be eligible for as many times as you post or as many times as someone says you recommend them.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Paying It Forward
We have reached 327 so you know what that means.I committed to a give away every time we grew by 25 so it is time for another give away. The give away this time is a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble, Archivers, JoAnn Fabrics or Starbucks (your choice)! How do you become eligible?? All you need to do is post a comment here (starting today) or recommend this blog to someone and have them mention that you sent them here when they post a comment. How easy is that? Yes you may post daily and be eligible for as many times as you post or as many times as someone says you recommend them.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Sending Love,
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A Million Dollars and a blog Give Away!
We have reached 327 so you know what that means.I committed to a give away every time we grew by 25 so it is time for another give away. The give away this time is a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble, Archivers, JoAnn Fabrics or Starbucks (your choice)! How do you become eligible?? All you need to do is post a comment here (starting today) or recommend this blog to someone and have them mention that you sent them here when they post a comment. How easy is that? Yes you may post daily and be eligible for as many times as you post or as many times as someone says you recommend them.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Sending Love,
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I promised!
Here are a few thought provoking yet fun questions for you.
If you could leave tomorrow for a week and travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Who would you take with you?
What would you do there?
If you could have an hour of uninterrupted time with anyone in the world, who would it be?
What would you talk about?
Have a fun day!
Sending Love,
Friday, July 9, 2010
What dreams have your turned your back on?
The ramification of this single act will haunt him forever and will wipe out several years of being king. He probably will need to move to another state. I know he had no idea this would happen. His decision to quit was life changing for him.
When we quit, the ramifications are not usually that dramatic. Or are they ? When you quit or give up on your dream isn't it life changing? If you just stay the course (even when you are weary) and never give up or quit , think about how different your life could be.
Our prompt today is to think about times in your life your have quit. Maybe you had a list of resolutions and by March you had given up on all of them..EVERY YEAR!, maybe you have started to lose weight several time and gave up and the result is you still need to lose weight, maybe you quit school, collage or another dream. Whatever it is..write it down. Now if this is still a dream or a goal of yours write it down today. Commit to it. DON'T Quit, Don't give up on yourself or those around you. Write a plan that will help you reach your goals and dreams.Share here what your dream/goal is and that will really put your commitment to yourself and your dream out there and you will be even more accountable. I dare you!
from Sarah Elliott . Sarah is this months guest designer and she is incredible.
I will post more of her work(art) here next Friday for all to enjoy. Look back to last Friday and Saturday's post for some of Sarah's art and her bio!
The prompt is Something New…
Art Journal about something ‘New’ to you. Maybe a new attitude, new hobby, new object in your house… anything ‘New’ to you.
ANNOUNCEMENTWe have reached 327 so you know what that means.I committed to a give away every time we grew by 25 so it is time for another give away. You are going to LOVE this one. I will post a picture of it on Sunday. How do you become eligible?? All you need to do is post a comment here (starting today) or recommend this blog to someone and have them mention that you sent them here when they post a comment. How easy is that?
Have a day filled with dreams that come true!
Sending Love,
The winner will be randomly chosen and will be announced next Friday.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Tough Stuff
Well, if you REALLY hate it you better stop reading now.
Do you like to blame others for ____________ (fill in the blank)?
Did you know that what your weight, your attitude, your bad habits, your lack of discipline, the way you treat others, your procrastination, your perfectionism, your addiction to ANYTHING, your shopping are ALL YOUR PROBLEM!!!
NO ONE makes you do or not do any of those thing.
I know, your thinking "How dare you, you don't know my circumstances", or," I HAVE to keep sweets in the house for my husband and he knows I can't resist them so it is his fault that I have a weight problem", or, "You would have a bad attitude towards men too if you had been through what I have been through", or,"Well if you knew the way she treated me you would understand why I act that way towards her".
Sorry...It is still all on you! Don't BLAME others for your life. It is not their life it is yours! The good new is, IT IS YOURS. You have the power to change the things about yourself that you do not like!
SO...our prompt today is to honestly look at what in our lives we have been blaming others for. You will never change your situation if you do not own it.
I know this is a tough one. It was very difficult for me too. I promise I will go easy on you over the weekend!
Have a peaceful day!
Sending Love,
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Basics Of Your Life
To All My Art Journalers and for those of you that would like to Art Journal but are not sure how to get started, please join me here
where I will be teaching and prompting Art Journals. Go to the link to find out what you need to get started. We will begin our journey together on July 16th.
I can't believe I am already announcing this as I just packed up the last two give always to mail off, but we are only 4 followers away from another giveaway. SO, tell your friend to hop on over and join Your Life Spelled Out. As soon as we reach 325 combined followers I have a giveaway that I know everyone is going to want.
Have a blessed day!
Sending Love,
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Are you TOO Busy?
Diane (not her real name) tells me that she has no choice in her schedule because she has to take her children to school each day, drive her youngest to dance lessons on Monday's, then two of her children to piano lessons on Tuesday, her oldest to guitar lessons and her youngest to voice lessons on Wednesday, her middle so to basketball on Thursdays and on the weekends for games. She also is room mother for two of her 5 children, is on the PTA committee and teaches Sunday School..
I just grew weary typing it all!
She was unable to identify anything that she could change about her schedule. She felt hopeless.
So we took it one thing at a time. First of all I asked, are your children involved in too many activities? If you are feeling overwhelmed by your schedule, chances are they are too. Turns out, it was her idea for piano and voice and none of the children were thrilled about those activities. Did she have to be room mother for two children at once? Maybe she could do one this year and one the next or (GASP) none at all. Did she have to be on the PTA committee (something she herself admittedly dislike) or could she just be a paying member and not take on every activity the school does.
When we are the middle of our life it is difficult to see he choices we have. I am not discounting how difficult it is to make some of the hard choices to free up your time AND to lessen your stress.
I had to make some of those choices myself. I never allow myself to be on more than two Board of Directors at once. I have been on a total of four and I believe in and support every one of charities that I have belong to. It was hard for me to step down. Very hard. I have learned to say no, but that wisdom came at a very high cost. If I had not I am not sure my physical or mental health would have survived.
SO..your prompt today is to write down all of the "things" that make your life busy and then to honestly evaluate them and see what you can let go of. Write down what you think could happen if you continue to be too busy..This make take a while. You may need to set the journal down and come back to it later. The important thing is that you do it.
Life is so much clearer on paper.
Have a Stress Free day!
Sending Love,
Monday, July 5, 2010
A Bend In The Road
Have a Serene Monday.
Sending Love,
P.S. To all of my scrapping, art journaling readers I want you to know that I am o the Administrative Design Team over at Creative Scrapbooking Divas and will be starting an Art Journal group there soon. Come on over and join me. Be sure to stop at my page and say hello. You can find it here
Sunday, July 4, 2010
So I thought our prompt today would be the word Freedom. What does that word mean to you? What are you free to do and not free to do? Why? I think it is evident in the United States that many of us take our freedom for granted. If you live in the USA are you guilty of taking your freedom for granted? What does the sentence Freedom is not Free mean to you?
That's a great deal to ponder.
To all of my American Friends out there, Happy 4th of July.
To all my Canadian friends out there, I hope you had a wonderful Canada Day!
To all the rest of my friends out there, may you have the BEST day ever!!
Sending Love,
Saturday, July 3, 2010
In The Good Ole Summer Time
Have a sunny Saturday !
Sending Love,
Our Guest Designer For This Month Sarah Elliott

Sarah is our Guest Designer for the Art Journal this month. I have uploaded her bio again and samples of her amazing art (from the heart).
My name is Sarah Elliott and I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
I’m mom to 4 boyz ages 12 down to 5 years old. Yes I’m busy, yes I’m tired… and don’t ask how ‘clean’ my house is. lol.
I’m getting married in September so life is even busier, but oh so fun! I often refer to myself as having ADAD (Attention Deficit Art Disorder) as you can see on my blog I’m always up to something Art-sy.
I call myself a Mixed Media Artist because if I can find some way to craft it; I will…
I’m always Re-Using, Re-ducing & Re-decorating.
I’ve been creative my whole life, don’t think I could put a ‘date’ on when I started making Art, if my Mum’s right it’d be on the wall about the same time she gave my solid foods. I’m also a Summer lover ‘cause I get to play in the garden and I read lots & lots & lots… usually have 3-4 books on the go at any given time.
I chose 2010 as my year to ‘CREATE’ and so I’ve been dipping my toes into some new-to-me creative ponds. Art Journaling is ALL new to me in 2010.
I ran across Your Life Spelled Out at the beginning of the year through ~Artist 365~ on FaceBook. I was just starting to dip my toes into Art Journaling... now I'm pretty much soaked! lol
I use both the Art Journal Prompts, which I share publicly AND the Daily Journal Prompts, which I write and keep to myself.
I’m also busy as a Regular Design Team Member over at ARTastic Challenge Blog and this Month’s Guest Designer on From Screen 2 Scrap (FS2S) and was last month Guest Designer on Gutter Girlz On FaceBook’s ~Artist 365~ I’m also responsible for the monthly Scrapbook Challenge.
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Friday, July 2, 2010
Reflections of....
Drum Roll Please
Introducing our Guest Art Journal Designer for the month of July.She is a super talented, creative and friendly gal and I know you are going to love her as much as I do. I have asked Sarah to prepare five prompts for this month (one for each Friday) and to submit a bio. I will included some of my favorite art that she has done on Saturday!
Sarah was last months guest designer on Gutter Girlz and I am thins month designer..which just goes to show you what a small world this big Internet is!
My name is Sarah Elliott and I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
I’m mom to 4 boyz ages 12 down to 5 years old. Yes I’m busy, yes I’m tired… and don’t ask how ‘clean’ my house is. lol.
I’m getting married in September so life is even busier, but oh so fun! I often refer to myself as having ADAD (Attention Deficit Art Disorder) as you can see on my blog I’m always up to something Art-sy.
I call myself a Mixed Media Artist because if I can find some way to craft it; I will…
I’m always Re-Using, Re-ducing & Re-decorating.
I’ve been creative my whole life, don’t think I could put a ‘date’ on when I started making Art, if my Mum’s right it’d be on the wall about the same time she gave my solid foods. I’m also a Summer lover ‘cause I get to play in the garden and I read lots & lots & lots… usually have 3-4 books on the go at any given time.
I chose 2010 as my year to ‘CREATE’ and so I’ve been dipping my toes into some new-to-me creative ponds. Art Journaling is ALL new to me in 2010.
I ran across Your Life Spelled Out at the beginning of the year through ~Artist 365~ on FaceBook. I was just starting to dip my toes into Art Journaling... now I'm pretty much soaked! lol
I use both the Art Journal Prompts, which I share publicly AND the Daily Journal Prompts, which I write and keep to myself.
I’m also busy as a Regular Design Team Member over at ARTastic Challenge Blog and this Month’s Guest Designer on From Screen 2 Scrap (FS2S) and last months .Gutter Girlz On FaceBook’s ~Artist 365~ I’m also responsible for the monthly Scrapbook Challenge.
Something Old…
Art Journal about a positive something from your past. An experience that has made you happy, an event that formed who you are… anything ‘OLD’ and good.Have an AMAZING Friday and if you are starting your 4th of July celebration now, be careful and have a fun!
Sending Love,
Thursday, July 1, 2010
And The Winners Are:
As promised I will have a give away every time we grow by 25. We were at 300 when I started this giveaway and we have grown by 11 since then. SO...we only have 14 more to go. Help Your Life Spelled Out grow and recommend it to a friend. We all know someone that would benefit by journnaling everyday or Art Journaling in REAL LIFE!
Speaking of Art Journaling. Our GUEST DESIGNER for the month of July is Sarah Elliott. Congratulations Sarah. I can't wait to see what your prompts will be. Her first Art Journal Prompt will go up tomorrow. Look for a feature of some of Sarah's work on Friday.
I wanted to let everyone know that I am being featured over at Gutter Girlz. Don't let the name fool you (it's really just about being REAL). Go check out my interview at
Our prompt today is What does "taking care of myself mean to me"? How do you feel when you are taking care of yourself..good, guilty, selfish, indifferent? Why do you think you feel that way! Do you think it is important to take care of yourself?
Have a Fabulous Thursday !
Sending Love,